Tropical Wellness Bowl

A simple bowl of fruit salad is perhaps one of the healthiest meals to eat on a daily basis. A fruit salad can perform ​wonders if the correct amount and variety of fruits are consumed, as it will offer a powerful dose of vitamins, fibre and ​antioxidants.It is a known fact that fruits are loaded with antioxidants, nutrients and essential vitamins. These vitamins ​and minerals aid in the creation of collagen, which helps the skin look beautiful, firm and healthy.

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Kiwi Immunity Bowl

The fibre in salads sweeps all dietary waste into the intestines, promoting intestinal health. This ​signifies that the proliferation of harmful microorganisms has been stopped.The skin is healthy when ​the rest of the body is healthy.

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Sunshine Vitality Bowl

Carbohydrates are the body’s primary energy source. Consuming carbohydrate-rich fruit keeps a ​person active and restores the glycogen levels.

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Exotic Antioxidant Bowl

A lot of essential vitamins and minerals are found in fruits and vegetables, which are beneficial to our health. The most ​important nutrients being vitamins A, C and E, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium and folic acid.

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Heavenly Nutrient Bowl

The plums,pear,fig added in the bowl is highly nutritious fruits that can be incorporated into a fruits salad.

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